March 2010
Cover Page
Map of
Map of
Map of
Map of
Hi and welcome to another month in the lives of the happy
travelers. I must say I get some sort of perverted joy from
sitting in front of the computer each month reflecting on what we have
done and seen in the last month. For myself the reward for my
efforts are the emails we receive from both friends and total strangers
who follow our adventures, as well as having a permanent journal that I
will be able to dribble over in the nursing home in 30 years time. One
of our regular readers and friend is Mick from Bundaberg. He
has been following our journey for a number of years and has become our
unofficial proof reader. Let me explain. It goes like this. I write, my
long suffering wife Chris then spends hours correcting my shocking
spelling and my even worse 'grammer'. (Need I say more?? Ed.) As a
teacher she prides herself on
correcting each month's literary masterpiece with enormous accuracy.
Well, most of the time. Now in comes Mick. He must scour each month
with a micoscope and does occasionally pick up a slight spelling
oversight. He then sends us an email explaining our error. This is the
one from last month.
Greetings Lord Parfitt,
As usual the website is showing
much improvement in the spelling stakes, however I think that your
forthcoming asian jaunt may be causing you to rush and not spell-check
"We have added our own catorgory,
I am curious, is a 'catorgory' a
result of a cat escaping after being attacked with a carving
knife? (cat-or-gory)
or perhaps it refers to a feline
organ repository (cat-orgory)
We love
Mick's wit, we look forward
to his emails and we treasure his friendship. It is almost worth making
a mistake just to get one of his witty notes sent to us.
Keep up the good work big fella, and thanks for keeping us honest.
In comparison to our usual life, March was down
right boring. We did
very little, and loved it. Our only outing for the month was a quick
weekend escape to Kununurra. We stayed in the hospital house that was
very comfortable and right in the middle of town. Most of Saturday was
spent going to the library and then shopping. In fact $1450.00 worth of
mainly grocery shopping. Lucky this place has a big pantry. While that
sounds like a hell of a lot of money we need to take two things into
account (as explained to me by Chris when I had a minor meltdown), the
first is this will have to last us 4 - 6 weeks, Kununurra is a little
more expensive, we needed a lot of toilettries and cleaning stuff, and
'shut up or you can do it yourself!' (Isn't that 4 things!??!! )
next challenge was how to get all the meat in the car fridge and the
other food somewhere in the car. And they thought putting a man on the
moon was a challenge! Anyway we did get it all in and then on
Sunday we planned to explore some of the many swimming holes around
Kununurra and some on the way to Wyndham. We quickly cleaned the house
and then we were on our way to the
first spot when the sky very rapidly became darker and darker and
minutes it was raining so heavily we could only see a few metres in
front of us. We hadn't even got out of Kununurra! Well it rained and
rained and showed no sign of letting up
so we headed back to Warmun. There was no way I was going on a dirt
track in the rain with 3 ton of groceries on board but at least if we
did get bogged we wouldn't have starved. In about six places on the
Great Northern Highway there was a
significant amount of water over the road. All the rivers and creeks
were flowing as was a waterfall that can be seen from the road near
Doon Doon Roadhouse. So much for checking out the sights. So our
weekend away came to an early end. That did give us time to unpack the
car and put all the food away.
that runs through the middle of Warmun
The pantry looks very healthy. It also gave me
time to unpack one of
our ebay toys that had just arrived. I must say I am very impressed
with this thing.
It is a 1tb multimedia player and recorder made by Noontec. It is about
the size of an external hard drive but has lots of lights, slots (for
all types of camera cards, USB's, another hard drive and more) and a
remote control. It stores all your DVD's, photos and anything else you
may want and then plugs into your TV via a RCA or HDMI cable. It not
only plays things but also can record anything off your TV and even has
'Real Time', which for those like me who had no idea, means you can be
watching a TV show, stop it to go to the toilet or discuss the show and
then just start it up where you finished off. Bloody amazing, and you
can choose your brand of hard drive all for $220.00. Try buying a hard
drive recorder for that price. And to make it even better it came from
an Australian company. For us the best part is we no longer have to
carry any DVD's with us which is great as they are bulky and get
scratched, even in those fancy carry cases. We also received our new
Dell laptop computer. It was a bit of a painful process this time
getting the thing, as they seemed to have lost our order with the
computer taking nearly 40 days to be delivered as opposed to the 9-12
days that they quoted us. We mainly wanted the new laptop for the boys
internet lessons as our old one is so slow that the lesson is nearly
over before it loads up all the info and it kept dropping out. The boys
have found it a bit frustrating. This new one has the best of
everything including 6 gig of Ram and has made a huge difference. So
far I am very impressed with Windows 7. It is very user friendly, and I
think will do more than we will ever want it to do. It looks very smick
and the HD picture is amazing. We have the old and the new laptops
sitting side by side on the table and the difference in the picture has
to be seen to be believed. I just hope it is as reliable as the old one.
from Warmun to Kununurra
Back to Warmun. The country side around here is
some of the most
spectacular there is
to see. The drive into Kununurra is mountain range after magnificent
mountain range, creek after creek. I have done the drive to Doon
Doon roadhouse which is half way to Kununurra a number of times now. If
we have a patient who is sick enough to be evacuated out of here, we
generally do a 1/2 way meet with St. John Ambulance and meet them at
Doon Doon where they turn around and head back. As I like the drive, I
have done it each time when needed, which has been very pleasant and a
nice way to
spend a few working hours. Our ambulance is
well decked out complete with a full set of flashing beacons and siren.
As you could imagine, in the dry season this stretch of the highway is
one of the busiest around being the main northern route, east to west.
While the road is exceptionally good having just had a few years of
upgrades, there is still the occasional accident. Give it another month
and it will be an endless procession of grey nomads and their caravans
snaking their way across the country.
As I said earlier we have done very little but
have remained rather
busy. The boys school work is going really well and Chris has been
picking up the odd relieving day at school as well as her regular 2
hours/ 3 days a week which she enjoys but at the same time finds a bit
frustrating. It seems they don't really have much in the way of
behaviour management in place and with no consequences, the kids rule
the roost. After our boys have finished their school work they usually
take off to the basketball courts over the road and have a game
basketball with the local kids. The kids here are actually really nice,
polite and play well together. As per usual our boys have blended in
and seem very popular with the local kids. Some kid the other day had a
go at Harry, but when Alex intervened and politely suggested to this
kid that he should leave or else, it was all over. It's water off a
duck's back to Harry and Alex has them all bluffed. A few weeks back
they had some people out running a program called 'Blue Earth'. It's
of these self esteem, character building programs like 'Rock and
One of the activities was chinese wrestling. In the game you have a
ring marked on the ground and you have to try and push your opponent
out of the ring. Alex was there for the lesson and was displaying his
strength. He was unrelenting in his pursuit to be the overall winner
with the local kids just saying 'He strong, boy he strong'. While he
had no problems with the kids before, he certainly won't have any now.
'Dey all scared o' 'im'.
Last friday night just on sunset we went up near the art gallery as
there was a corroboree on. I am not sure what the reason for it was but
we were invited. There were a lot of kids involved with all the oldies
who can no longer dance banging their clap sticks and singing and
chanting. It was quite an experience as this was not done as a display,
but done just for them while allowing us the privilege of being
invited. It was colourful, rhythmic and very musical. How many white
fellas get opportunities like this?? One part that we found rather
funny was 1/2 way through one dance a snake decided to make its way
through the middle of the dancers. The dancing stopped, the snake was
belted with a stick, thrown into the bushes and the dance continued as
if nothing had happened.
The last day of school for this
term had the school and Chris and
the boys at the local pool for the school swimming carnival. It seemed
that there were more staff there than kids, but everyone had a good
day. Harry swam in his age race that he won by 1/2 a pool length and
swam in two relays in which he also did well. I ducked out from work to
see the epic event but unfortunately missed the big races with the
white boys. Our two do look seriously out of place amongst this bunch.
Having a pool as flash as this outfit makes such a difference when you
are living in the scrub.
The last week of March and the tempo increased as we now start
packing for Vietnam. We will be heading off to the Bungle Bungles on
Good Friday (the day they officially open the park, weather permitting)
and will stay there until Easter Monday. Then we come back to Warmun
for the night before heading off the next morning for Darwin. We then
have a few days in Darwin and fly to Vietnam for a month on Saturday
10th April. After that we will spend a few days back in Darwin before
making our way back to Warmun. That will be a 6 week break. We then
come back to Warmun for a month before heading off to Cape York and
the Gulf for about 6 - 8 weeks. Not sure what we will be doing after
that, possibly back to One Arm Point at Cape Leveque.
It's not a bad life.
The April update will a bit later than
usual as we don't get back to
Warmun until the 17th May, and there will be a lot to write about.
I used to eat a lot of
natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.